
How can I get chewing gum out of the inside of my brand new dryer?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a new dryer and there must of been a piece of chewing gum in some jeans, now its stuck to the inside of my dryer, how can i get this out? Also there is stuck on chewing gum or candy stuck to my seat in my car, how can i get this off too? please help!!!




  1. Bummer!  Put peanut butter on the gum and let it set a little while.  It will soften the gum and you should be able to wipe it up.  The peanut butter can be cleaned up with a multipurpose cleaner.  

  2. Use an ice cube to get gum to remove the gum. Hold the ice cube on the gum, it will become hard, then scrape it off. As for ethe candy on your car seat use Resolve it should take care of the candy stain.

  3. Try holding an ice cube on it till the gum gets real hard it then might pop off.

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