
How can I get cigarettes even though I'm 18?

by  |  earlier

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My friend gets them, but I don't know how she gets them. Is there some trick that needs to be known?

Don't answer me with "stop smoking" because I'm only buying cigarettes to smoke once in a while.




  1. depends on which state you live in. some you have to be 19 to buy them, others, you only have to be 18. tennessee is like that, you only have to be 18.  but where i live, you have to be 19. i dont know which others are without looking them up. but, pretty much all you need is an i.d.

  2. get someone to buy them for you and make friends with people who smoke.

  3. i love it when dumbasses who smoke end up killing themselves. and in the end i get the joy of thinking "jokes on you"

  4. Starting to smoke today is a real dumb *** thing to do, you'll spend the next 30 years of your life watching your health get worse and worse.  Are you looking forward to yellow rotting teeth, stained fingers, terrible breath, stinking clothes, coughing up flem every morning, always being out of breath, lung cancer, emphysema,  being connected up to a respirator, using up health resources that could go to someone who really needs them?  Will the cigarette companies pay your medical bills and then the bill for your funeral which will happen 20 years before your non smoking friends?  Doesn't seem like much of a life to me.

  5. yeah she can buy them because the legal age in the US to buy cigarettes  is 18, like to buy alcohol is 21.

  6. Well where i live you can buy them at 18. Just go to a license branch and get a state ID. All you have to do is give them that. If you have to be older where you live than i guess you could just ask a friend or explaine to your parents that you are and adult and you know smoking is bad for you but could they please by them. Sometimes you can also just ask ppl that are about to go in the gas station if they will get them for you. Hope i helped!  

  7. stand in front of 711 ask a guy to get them for you and he will probably do it. problem solved.

  8. i think you mean NOT 18.

    get someone to buy htem for you. plus it dpeneds on who is in the store.

  9. If you're 18 then just go buy them at the store, but if not you just get someone that is 18 to buy them for you.......

  10. Newsflash---If you're 18, then you can buy them legally.

  11. When you want to learn how to do something the best way is to get the information from someone who knows how to do it....ask your friend for crying out loud....why didn't you think of that?

  12. Heres How:

  13. Even though smoking is bad I will help you. I think I saw somewhere that you can smoke and buy smokes in the UK at the age of 18. You might not wanna go all the way to the UK, so then I have no idea.

  14. um you can buy cigs at 18...  or find a bum and bribe him

  15. ummm guess what-you can buy cigarettes at 18! hooray!

  16. You can buy cigarettes in most states at the age of 18. Just provide proper ID like a drivers license.

  17. You need an ID because they might think you are only 16 or 17 if you look young. You need an ID to get cigarettes. Just go up to the counter and say can I buy cigarettes , he/she will ask how old you are say 18 and show him/her your ID. Then say which kind of cigs you want.

  18. well walk into any stor with a drivers licens or picture ID and just ask for the kind u want thelly ask for an ID u show them and youll get them

    or if ur not 18 go somewhere u know deosnt ID

  19. stop smoking =]

    just to get you mad

  20. Get an id from an older brother or older friend or get someone to buy them for you. thats about it, maybe if you grow a beard or something they wont id you =/

  21. just go inside a bookstore and buy it or go to a machine they dont care realy much some does most dont

  22. Where do you live when your 18 you cant buy cigs? I was like 14 when I first walked into a store and bought mine (22 now). Find a foreign guy to buy from they always sell to you  

  23. Yeah, but once in a while turns into once every other day, once every other day turns into once a day, and once a day turns into 1 pack a day.

    Just don't smoke, simple as that.

  24. some places will sell them to minors.

  25. Smoking is addictive, you'll be hooked before long.

    I think you're stupid.  Why on earth would you start smoking?  You're going to smell, get bad breath, get wrinkles before your time and have a whole load of health problems when ur older, perhaps life threatening.  Very cool, aren't you?

    Yes, I'm lecturing you, but you posted the question so you should expect these responses.

  26. Use your ID and buy them.  18 is the legal age to buy cigarettes.  You just can't buy alcohol.

  27. Good lord, it is 2008.  Only losers smoke these days.  

  28. People lie about their age.

  29. some stored will and some wont. simple as that.

  30. Why did you start smoking?  Cancer of the lungs, throat and larynx along with emphysema, yellowing teeth and finger tips, not to mention ashtray breath and stale scented clothing is what turns people on these days?

  31. go the store nd buy them.

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