
How can I get comfortable in a Speedo?

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I've never worn a speedo, but I have to wear one for my swim team. What should I do to get use to wearing one? Any suggestions on how to wear it? Should I wear it low?




  1. yess. lol

  2. just put it on and forget about it

  3. if you got a hot body then you should wear it proudly!

  4. I had the exact same issue when I started water polo in high school.  Here's what worked for me....first, I wore my suit as underwear under jeans and pants.  That way, I got used to having it on so I wouldn't get excited for feel awkward when I wore just the suit.  Second, because we wore the wide 3" suits for polo, I bought a 1" side speedo and wore it when I swam at home.  You know, if you can do it in front of your mom, you can do it in front of anyone.  Lastly, I laid out and tanned in the smaller suit at home and in the tanning bed at the gym.  That way, I didn't have stupid tan lines in the wrong place.  

    I guess the other thing to remember is that there's probably 10-15 other guys wearing the same suit when you are.  No on likes it...but you're probably no more uncomfortable than the rest of your buds on the team.  Oh yeah...keep working out and doing crunches...the chics will love you in your suit!

  5. Wearing and and feeling comfortable with your body is a good start in getting use to wearing one. I wear mine to the public pool for tanning so i don't have bad tan lines. That helps you get use to it rather quickly plus is less embarrassing than having bad tan lines. And yes, wear it lower than you would wear shorts. the waist should be even in front and back. it will feel like you should pull it up higher than you should when youre getting use to wearing one. Basically, you only want it to cover up what is required to be covered.

    Good luck on your swimming.  

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