
How can I get donations for adoption?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I are adopting a newborn from a drug addicted family member. She purchased nothing for her baby. How can I get donations for this child? I also have to convert my porch into a nursery, but I don't have the money for materials. How can I get help with that?




  1. it shouldn't cost that much to adopt from a family member. if you don't have the means for a child perhaps it's not meant to be. if this was your pregnancy, i don't think you'd ask for donations. you could put the word out if anyone has any infant things they're done with could you use them. like car seat, clothes, etc

  2. If you are online begging for help with adopting a are not the right person for the child..let someone else that wants a child and can afford it adopt it..

  3. as long as the baby is safe, fed and warm the rest is an added bonus. Im not sure about where to get donations but i think it will be hard as most women dont get donations with clothes etc.  Just make do or sell some stuff from your house or ask family members to help.  Im not sure if this is a good idea though if you cant afford the child. How will you manage when he/she get older and needs more expensive things.

  4. Well it sounds like you are a really great person for taking this baby in when he or she really need you.  What you could do is maybe have a baby shower.  And you could register just like any other mom would do.  You could register for the crib carseats strollers bedding everything you really need.  And at the shower instead of a wishing well where you usually get bottles and little things like that have a money tree.  And put on the top a picture of the baby and just have people pin money to the tree.  I wish you the best of luck.

  5. I am probably way off base here but if you need donations maybe your not the best person suited for the child.

  6. Hats off to you and your husband for taking this baby on!  

    Do you belong to a church?  If so, I would call my pastor and let him/her know what's going on.  If not, I would call surrounding churchs and see if they would be able to take up on offering.  It doesn't hurt to ask!

  7. get a job.

  8. make do with what you have. as i see, it kid is going to be better off with you anyways.

  9. Why don't you look into fostering the baby rather than adopting....I believe you get financial support by fostering.

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