
How can I get emails for celebrities or businesses to ask for help with fundraising?

by  |  earlier

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My high school is going to the Fringe Festival in Scotland next year and we need help raising money to make it. We were chosen to present a show there but we have a hard task ahead. Is there a website I can go to find people who will be willing to help and emails perhaps for celebrities?




  1. try

  2. I believe that you would have to speak with their representatives before you could actually access a "celebrity" via email.  Look on myspace or for celeb blogs, though... some celebs have myspace pages or maintain blogs that they actually use.

  3. work your way up to the head of a company or w.e.

    be sure to explain why and how the money could help you

    but i doubt anyone would GIve u money, ud have to earn it

    btw whats the Fringe Festival?

  4. In my opinion each actor or actress should cut 10% of her salary to some kind of foundation call "askcelebmoney".This foundation will assists all incoming email from around the world and be able to deal with the each and everyone fan.This is because us fans are spending dollars too for watching their movies so we the people should get some kind of percentage cut for watching movies.

  5. it is going to be hard to contact a celebrity and businesses might say no what i would do is go around neighborhoods

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