I had been a trained scholar for SPED with specialization on Organization, Administration and Supervision in PNU,Philippines. I took it for two semestral terms, October-March 2002 and May 2002,which is equivalent to an advanced Masteral Level in SPED. During my first term of training, I started organizing SPED classes in Socorro Central School, the school where I was assigned as Elementary School Principal-II, which I initiated it with classes catering Fast Learners (FL)and Learning Disabled (LD) Children. The fast learners' classes were piloted in grades I-III after identification, admission and placement processes had been employed. On the other hand, the Learning Disabled children were just grouped and placed under an itinerant teacher who had been a trained scholar too. The curriculum for the FL was basically adapted from the curriculum for the gifted since the children showed a very exdceptional advancement or giftedness. The LD class adapted the existing Basic Education Curr.