
How can I get faster at sprinting?

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I used to be really fast at sprinting, then I took on long distance for a while and then I got extermely slow at sprinting. How can I get faster at sprinting again?




  1. Practice, Practice, Practice!!!

    Every day, practice sprinting for

    long and short distances. You will

    soon get faster at sprinting!

    Good Luck!!!

  2. Buy a parachute (speed chute). its like a parachute, so you atach it to your body, and it will create a drag. So it will make it tougher you to run, but will make your leg muscles bigger, so when you will run without the parachute, you will be speedy. XD. So do that,  and practice, practice, practice!

  3. ok work on ur explosiveness out of the blocks, get a weighted vest and train with that

    get on a bike and so speed intervles (2 min ride normal and 45 sec of as fast as u can  go)

    then race faster people and you will push your self to run with them

  4. The exact same thing happened to me, but I've gotten my speed back.

    These are some of the things I did to get it back:

    1) Stretch around the thighs and most of the other parts of your legs.

    2) Take 15 minute jogs DAILY.

    3) Stretch after the jogs aswell, in the same places.

    4) Eat a lot of pasta, veggies and fruit.

    5) Run a 3KM's every 5 days.

    6) Exercise a lot.

    7) Do star jumps, sounds c**p, but it does make a difference.

    8) Drink a LOT of water. I'd say 8 glasses a day.

    It has all worked for me, and now I can run long distance and short distance quickly.

    I hope I helped.

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