
How can I get from Ljubjana to Rome and reverse?Are there any bus lines, trains, or maybe cheep fligts?

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  1. As far as I know, it is possible either by taking a train to Trieste or by catamaran to Italy via Venice. Don't know about Ljubljana though...

  2. You are really asking for one of the worsest travel connections between two European capitals. The distance between them amounts to only 490 kilometers, or 305 miles bee-line, which usually takes a one hour flight or two and half hour express train travel.

    But there are no direct flights from Ljubljana to Rome, you have to go via Brussels or Prague, which takes between 5,5 and 8 hours and is not cheaper than 478 € during holiday season. Train travel takes more than ten hours to include train changes at Villach (Austria) and Venice.

  3. There's a train from Rome at 4:50 pm that arrives in Venezia Mestre at 9:06 pm. You can transfer there to the night train that leaves Mestre at 9:40 pm. It arrives at Ljubljana at 1:51 am - Ljubljana is a stop on the way to Budapest and not an end destination, but at least you don't have to make another train change. I've taken this train from Venice and it's not a bad trip other than the arrival time. If the discounted "Smart" price is available when you go, the cost of the trip is 71.10 euro. The standard fare is 81.10 euro.

    If you wanted, you could take an early train from Rome to Venice and catch the night train to Ljubljana at the Santa Lucia station in Venice in the evening. It leaves Santa Lucia at 9:27 pm. There's a baggage deposit at the station in Venice.

    The return trip goes from Ljubljana at 2:22 am and arrives in Rome at 11:55 am with a change at Mestre (a little more than 40 min layover at 7:04 am).

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