
How can I get from Malaga Spain to Alicante or Valencia as direct as possibly, plane, train or coach?

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How can I get from Malaga Spain to Alicante or Valencia as direct as possibly, plane, train or coach?




  1. You can take a renfe train, but it takes ten hours.  Look at

    Buen Viaje

  2. Most direct way is to drive, nothing is ever straightforward in Spain, to get a coach or train will take forever and a day, as not a direct route, plane will be expensive as all internal flights are, car will take about 6-7 hours from Malaga to Alicante.

    The railway doesn't run stright along the coast, for example, in Torrevieja, there is no railway link at all, this is why i say it won;t be a direct route, coach will take for ever as will zig zag too

  3. You can get a flight from Malaga.  I think Spanair fly there.  You can get a coach too but it will take ages

  4. The most direct way would be to strap yourself to a rocket after having calculated the trajectory and flight path required. I'm afraid I don't know of a more direct route.

  5. 1 hire a car.  I get mine from  Quite cheap and good cars.  You may have to return to Malaga but maybe drop off at Alicante?  The coast road N340 takes you right there.

    2 I think the railway runs right up the coast from there but not 100% sure.

    Good luck.

  6. plane works, the bus is another option

  7. The best way is by car.  All the rest will take more time.

  8. Try the train

    You can get the site in English too...

    Also try this site on their forums are lots of expats who probably do this journey and have lots of good recomendations.

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