
How can I get from Nottingham city cantre do derby assembly rooms by bus?

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And also, how long will the bus journey take? and how long will it take to walk to the assembly rooms from the bus stop?

thanks for any help




  1. Get a bus from the bus station in Nottingham and get off at the bus station in Derby.  Takes about 2 minutes to walk to the Assembly Rooms - it's really close.  The journey itself will take between 20 and 40 minutes depending on the time of day and the amount of traffic.  It's a really straightforward trip.  Good luck.


    Just about anyone you ask once you are at the bus depot can help you determine which is the correct bus to take.  Everyone there is very helpful.

    But just incase I included the link to the trent/barton buses.

    I am not too familiar with Derby assemly rooms.  Sorry.

    Good luck!

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