
How can I get from UCLA to Van Nuys Train Station via public transport?

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I need to get on the train from UCLA and the closest station (Amtrak) is Van Nuys.

How can I get there? How much would a cab be?





  1. well you are in luck

    Metro Line 761 (which has a stop around Westhome and Hilgard   near the UCLA bus terminal

    this bus will take directly to the Van Nuys Metrolink/Amtrak station  (there are connections to the Surfliner, daylight and a Amtrak bus to Bakersfield Here

    or you could easy catch a Santa Monica #1 bus pay him

    $1.25 (thats .75cents for the bus fare and .50cents for

    a transfer) then take that Bus to Bundy/Santa Monica

    then transfer to Santa Monica #10 hand the driver the transfer

    and $1.00 more for express route to downtown LA

    the #10 will drop in right in from of Union station

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