
How can I get from the Bronx to Dorney Park in Pennsylvania by public transportation?

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I want to go with my friend to Dorney Park so we can have at least a little vacation before the summer's over. We live in the Bronx but can get to NYC very easily. I have no clue how to get there since we need to take public transportation. So does anyone know the directions?




  1. Depending on where in the Bronx you live, you need to get to get to Penn Station or the Port Authority (on West 34 street and West 42 street, respectively). See if there's a bus that leaves from the Port Authority to Pennsylvania or if a train from Penn Station takes you to an exit near Dorney Park, then maybe you can cab it to the park.

    And if you can, call the park and ask them if there is a bus that travels near their exit.

    Happy Hunting!

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