
How can I get/generate leads as a travel agent?

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I am in the process of developing a home-based travel business. I have had a host-agency for awhile and have sold a couple of cruises and I have started getting certifications, I qualify for a CLIA card with my host agency now. I am not in an MLM. I am getting frustrated trying to generate new business. I don't have a huge goal at this point, just $1,000 a month in commisions. I have bought leads from and they don't seem to go anywhere and seem to be a waste of money to me. What other ways can I get leisure/vacation leads?




  1. I have a friend who went the route that you are taking and the most important thing that she did was set up a web site.  So you do not have to find people, they will find you.  You need a catchy name so that it pops up when people do a google search for travel agents.

    You may also want to pick a specialty for your business, like cruises, or Hawaii, or honeymoon vacations, or places like Cancun, Las Vegas, or Spring Break vacations.  Then send specials to your friends and ask them to forward them to their friends.  In short, use the internet to its fullest.

  2. Here are some ideas , research your customers,peak times , low season , who goes where, the most traveled areas, their budget , their nationality.

    Why do they travel, business etc.etc.

    Do not just sell tickets sell the destination , every time someone wants to go somewhere, if they have an appointment with have a little report about the place they are going be staying at ;night life, shopping, museums, local transportation, make them feel like they talking to a local, that will leave a good impression, if you can help them in their research for sure they will spread the word.

    If you wanna do a website, create an attractive one, with trivias, cht areas for travelers to exchange tips, do contests with coupon towards a trip.

    Join an affiliate program like Ebay , Expedia or Google

    Create a news letter about traveling issues, : How to pick a mile rward program, what vaccinations are neede for this country, insurance when going abroad,  

    I hope some ideas will sprout, good luck to you

  3. You can try a small ad words program with Google or i think that Yahoo has one too.  Just set limits as it is VERY expensive. You can also post this question under Marketing in the Business section.

    Good Luck

  4. Join an group such as BNI - Business Networking International (  They will show you how to get good, qualified referrals.

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