
How can I get good, clear, pretty skin?

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I'm in my 20's but my skin is really oily and breaks out often, how can I get it to clear up? I also feel it looks dull, how can I remedy this?

I don't like using harsh chemicals as they seem to make it worse! But I also don't want to spend too much money on products that might not work?






  1. Well, wash it regularly, and don't give up!  It's just a phase you're going through probably.  If you're having trouble with you face, honey is a natural acne fighting agent. It has some sort of "bacteria" (a good one) that is the exact thing that acne doesn't want :) It is very, very good for your face too. Try googling "honey for pimples" and see what you get, or "honey for your face"  I usually put the honey on the pimple at night, and leave it on.  Just make sure you put a towel that can get dirty over your pillow!

    Hope this helps some!

  2. You can go to a dermatologist and get recommendations.

    or before that major step, you can use lush products.

    I absolutely adore them! It's made out of natural ingredients with as little chemicals as possible.

    There is a chart you can use to figure out what would suit your skin best. Not only that, but they have an AMAZING return policy.

    Some of the prices look expensive but keep in mind that most of their small tubs of product will last you from 6-8 months!

  3. take care of your skin or go to the doctor

  4. buy some clean n clear

  5. I have oily skin as well. I have found that washing my face twice a day and using an oil free moisturizer has helped me to have clear skin. I also exfoliate my skin twice a week.

    For more ideas on how to keep your skin clear read my buzz post at

  6. You have to start from the inside, you have to contol your diet. Drink PLENTY of water and stay away from soda, tea, coffee etc. Water flushes all those nasty toxins from your body. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and stay well away from oily fatty foods. Reduce your fat, salt and sugar intake and increase fresh natural foods. Honestly this is the BEST beauty advice I can give, if you are healthy on the inside it WILL radiate on the outside, no product is going to work if you don't get the foundations right for healthy skin.  

  7. my skin is like yours

    Use Biore products

    The key is they have no oil in them so its not gonna make your skin so oily...

    the website ...

    Click your country down the bottom .

    Use the ones i use

    Blemish Ice fighting cleanser

    Pore unclogging Scrub

    Shine Moisturiser

    You need all 3 ,

    use the first one in mouring

    2nd one at night

    put on moisturiser after you use each product

    Give it at least 2 weeks too work

    It works

    all me and my mates use it


  8. hiyya i hve got lots

    Good skin is the culmination of many factors, including regular exercise and for some people, genetics.some things, such as pollution, are bad for your skin but are generally unavoidable.

    Diet, however, is one area you can control and changing it can have lots of benifits.

    Firstly, get rid of any notion that eggs, chocolate or other oils which are bad for your skin.What is true is that a diet heavy on energy-supplying nutrients such as fats and carbohydrates that is also deficient in vitamins and minerals.

    avoiding chocolate, eggs, and the other "no-no’s" of skin health may also actually lessen the health of your skin! To clarify, make sure you eat a diet of varied nutrients that includes plenty of vitamins. In particular, vitamins A and E are especially good for your skin, while vitamins B and C are essential for the prevention of skin conditions. Vitamin D can be scooped up from the sun.

    And while you're out in the sun soaking in that vitamin D, why not get moving? A bit of exercise can do wonders for your skin. Exercise flushes toxins out of your system, and helps you relax. Stress can be a catalyst for skin trouble, and if you're good and tired when you go to bed, you'll sleep better, and wake up with healthier skin. Just make sure to shower as soon as you can after exercising, not doing so leaves all those toxins sitting on your skin, just waiting to cause trouble.

    Multivitamins are nutritional supplements subject to continued debate surrounding their efficacy. Most doctors agree the best way to get these value nutrients into your body is through food, which is good news, because the cost of vitamins can add up over time.

    So foods such as fish and eggs have many of the vitamins and minerals your skin needs, and for the rest you can turn to fruits and vegetables. Look for colorful vegetables such as carrots, spinach, and broccoli. Rich hues often indicate a high vitamin content. Milk and liver are good sources of skin-friendly nutrients, and for essential iron and zinc, you may need to turn to meat without some careful meal planning.

    The best part of eating with your skin in mind is that the diet that's good for your skin is also a healthy diet in general. Making sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables along with your meats and sweets will promote healthy weight and a level mood, in addition to healthy skin. Additional measures include testing for food allergies and avoiding alcohol and caffeine.

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