
How can I get government help with apartment rent?

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I am a single mother, my child's father is signing his parental rights away, so I am unable to get child support.




  1. Hearing things like this makes me so sad.  You may want to talk to your State dept of Child Services (name may vary in other states).  In many places signing away parental rights has no bearing on child support responsibilities.  

    Anyway, there used to be a program called section 8 housing.  I think it is still around and helps low income families with rent.  Also, don't forget food stamps if you qualify.

  2. first of all amber s  can suck an egg id rather  have my tax dollars help a fellow human  pay their rent than having my tax dollars claiming lives  in some stupid war   well you could ask about section eight housing  there may be a waiting list but given your situation you may qualify quickly  good luck and pay no attention to the negative c**p

  3. father can sign his rights away.. but he cannot get out of child support.  If he's the father.. thru admission.. thru marriage to you at the time of birth.. or thru a paternity test.. he has to pay child support regardless of his custody status.

    HE HAS TO PAY SUPPORT.. that's not something you can sign away.

    get an attorney.. they will s***w the guy.. women dont have

    equality very much in america.. cept when it comes to the divorce courts.. women with children own there.. they dominate.. they kick mens asses...

    you have a responsiblity to your child .. to get that man to pay support for the childs minority life..

    dont be a crappy mother and let this guy off the hook

    also get out the phone book and look up "womens resource center" they will help you find answers

    (btw i pay child support.. gladly.. they're my kids)

  4. I'm not sure if this is only limited to California.. but there is something called the BONDS program, it's for limited household income.. it helps with the rent, and makes it cheaper each month.

    Just when you go into the office, ask about the BONDS program, and if you qualify.

    Hope this helps you out, good luck in the future. =)

    May also be the program 8 or whatever.. food stamps, the whole deal.

  5. Is your child's father also signing the parental responsibilities away, too.  I didn't know you could do this.  Well, live and learn.

    Were you married to the child's father?  You chose your words carefully.  If you were, then see what the normal family wellfare agency will do for you.  If you wern't, I'd look into moving in with a relative.

  6. Good Morning.I hope you're well,there is a program called HEAP that helps with PG&E & also give assistance with paying rent.if @ the moment they are unable 2 assist you, they well refer you to other programs that can possibly assist can also look into your local county /gov. resources.try HUD housing, ive known them to help @ times also.seeing that you are working,we(working)citizens really do not have many avenues when it comes to finding assistance.they(ignorant people&the Gov) tend to think that working people arent suppose to fall short or hit a speed bump here & there,but it happens.I hope some of the helpful.Good Luck & may God bless you & your family.Keep your faith and he will provide.

  7. There has to be a good reason for a judge to allow a parent to sign away their rights. It's not something that you can just go into court and sign a paper for and your off the hook. In most cases there has to be a new spouse willing to adopt the child and provide for their support for it even to be considered. No judge that I know of will allow a father to sign over their rights when it is evident that the government will then have to help support your child.

    As far as rental help,you can apply for section 8,but the waiting list in most places is years long.

  8. Sounds like mooching off the government to me. How about you get a job to pay for yourself and your child? Why should I have to pay for your bad choices in life.

  9. Please rephrase your question. When you ask how the government can help pay your rent, what you mean to say is how can I get other american citizens to pay for my rent or pay for my mistakes in life. Good people stop looking for handouts Have some freaking pride and pay your own way. It's like people still need to be taken care of by mom and dad. And these are always the same people with newest car or latest flat screen TV. But can't afford to take care of themselves or their kids. But somehow it is the American Taxpayer that has to deal with peoples lack of responsibility and poor choices.  

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