
How can I get guitar lessons? No money..parents wont pay:(?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my parents dont really want to put money into guitar lessons. I have no money,and I cant make any because I'm underage for a job. Plus, I need to have my guitar tuned and the string fixed, NO MONEY!:( so, any reccomendations on what to do to get lessons?




  1. Go into a music shop near you and see if you can get lessons there.To earn money for lessons ask to help out at the shop-you get free lessons in exchange for helping them.

    Start a paperound to get money.

    Buy a book with pictures,diagrams and a cd and teach yourself.

    Get a friend that knows guitar to teach you.

    Good Luck!

  2. You will need a few dollars for a string, so you are going to have to come up with that. Possibly you could babysit, clean someone's house, walk someone's pet, wash someone's car. See if parents will pay you to do any of the mentioned stuff.

    If you get the string then you can practice. I'm sure that there has to be somebody at school that has a guitar and may be willing to share a string. In fact, I recommend carrying your guitar with you. You will get noticed and you will find someone who will probably be happy to help you.

    Tuning your Guitar

    Once you get that it is very easy to tune a guitar. You only need one note. If you can get a pitch pipe which is used to help you tune a guitar, all you need is the first top string which is the "E" note. It is called tuning by intervals.


    "As discussed above, guitar players, like vocalists and wind players, don't have to use equal temperament. Many prefer instead to tune the guitar so that it sounds good in keys that are easy to play. One popular way to do this is to tune each string to the one below it, giving pure fourths between most open strings, and a (close to pure) major third between the second and third strings. (You don't need to know about fourths and thirds to tune your guitar, but if you want to know, please see Interval.)

    The advantage of this method is that the pure intervals give the guitar a very pleasing, resonant, in-tune sound on chords that have plenty of open strings, like E minor and G major. Tuning strings to other strings is also pretty easy once you've practiced a little.

    The disadvantage is that, since you are not using equal temperament, some chords are going to sound more in tune than others. Experienced guitarists simply tweak the tuning by ear as they change keys (for example, one might adjust the third string to give a better E major chord when playing in A major or E major). You may also find that your guitar sounds slightly out of tune when playing with a piano. "

    You can get songs and guitar chords (see all-guitar chords site on line) and practice and sing your favorite songs. Some will sound better than others, but you are sure to have fun and you'll find (like I did when I was 11 and older), a new friend in your guitar that will always make you feel good, day or night.

    Hey, have FUN M_A

  3. Go to you community music center they usually offer any  instrument of choice lessons for no cost.

  4. go to

    you will find videos that will teach you the basics, and im sure some will teach you how to tune a guitar

  5. Here's some free lessons, and a tuner.  You'll have to pay for the strings.

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