
How can I get healthier school lunches at school?

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O.K. so I have a question. (I am going to 5th grade at the end of summer, BTW.) and so My school Has DISGUSTING school lunches. Like they have Round Table pizza, and it is not fresh, they put it in the refrigerator and then defrost it a few days later (eww!) and sometimes, they don't give you enough food. like, only sometimes, You have like, two spoons of salad or a fruit. but that never happens. Only a few times. i don't have enough times in the mornings to have my parents make me a lunch, so I have to buy. And please don't tell me to make lunch at night, cause this problem concerns everyone. I want Healthier lunches. How can I get my school to get healthier lunches? I could do a petition, but I want to have more options.





  1. try packing your own lunch. Pack like fruit and stuff. Healthy stuff.

  2. If you get enough people to complain about the health value of the school's lunches, then they will change it.  You have to speak to the principal or superintendent and express your concern.  If it cannot be changed, then bringing your own lunch may be your only option.  If enough bring their own lunch then the cafeteria will be forced to either close or change their menu.  

  3. This is great that you want to be involved in your school lunch menu!

    Well I would say to first do some research about your district b/c the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 requires every school district participating in the National School Lunch and/or School Breakfast Programs to establish a local wellness policy by the start

    of the 2006-2007 school year. So your district should have a plan in place, but it can always be altered.

    Also this is important and where you fit in - According to the Act the district must get input from local community members including parents, STUDENTS, etc. Ask your principal, tell him/her that you want to be part of the process!

    Including a petition you suggest that you could survey the students, or do small focus groups to see what kind of food they want.

    If you go prepared and with an idea planned and some data, they might listen more closely. Good luck!

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