
How can I get help in opening a school for less priviledged children at home. Iam not very sound financially?

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Iam planning to open a day school for less priviledged children( slum, street, ragpickers, dropouts, girls) at home. Iam working in a private company and my salary is not sound to support such mission. My wife is a housewife and she too is interested to support this mission. I don't know where to get help from and how. If any one of you have some idea, advice, knowledge, it would be really supportive at this juncture. Who will support me monetarily and how. I want that the money involved by any donor reach the child directly to avoid any misconception.




  1. Go to city hall and talk to the officials

    God Bless

  2. Contact a local church and a non-profit organization such as Catholic Charities.  They might assist in financing and give you aid in submitting a grant request to your local government or federal agency.  I would start with a church.

  3. I support you idea.

    You also need to make sure you are doing things in the right way..  Starting a school...  you will need teachers.. just cause you want to teach children does not mean you can with out a lisence to teach them..

    You also need to have permits and insurance on where ever you are going to have the chilren be..

    There are a LOT of rules the running a school and you need to make sure you have the all and that you can follow them.  Not that you do not want to but some of them are hard.  

    State rules and City rules and rules that the school board itself will have..   There are also building rules when it comes to having a certain number of people in a house at one time.

    Make sure you look into all this before  you start..  

    Good Luck.

  4. It would help if you had experience with either a school or a charity. An alternative might be working with a charitable foundation to give you support in the form of both advice and money. Volunteering with local charities or other schools first might give you experience that you can use to run your own school and also contacts with people who might contribute to your efforts. You could also try doing research on the internet about schools serving the types of students you describe and contact them for tips and suggestions.

    Good luck.

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