
How can I get higher jumps in about a month for Cheerleading?

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I wanna try to get my jumps higher for camp this year and it starts in August...can anyone help me?? Are there streaches or techniques I can do to help??




  1. It helps to work on leg and stomach muscles, well mostly leg. Anyway, great exercises are...squats, crunches and definately leg lifts! Those help a lot. So if you do those when you do conditioning then your jumps should be higher before you know it! Hope I could help!

  2. Squat

  3. 3 times a day do Calf Raises. Stretch first. Stand flat footed. Rise up to your toes and hold for 3 secs. Then slowly go back down to flat foot. Try to increase the number it gradualy every couple days. Don't be stupid and do too many starting off. Your are going to use muscles that you don't use often. If you over do it you won't be able to walk for a couple days (it will hurt). Problem is you won't know if you over did it till the next day, when you wake up. I did this for volleyball in high school and gained 5 inches over a season.

  4. jump daily

    ankle weights would speed it up but they not necessary

  5. try doing a lot of squats, lol. And also, this may sound weird but if you have ever done the"high jump " in track it builds up your leg muscles a lot, so id try it, lol, hope i was help=)

  6. I'm a cheerleader myself

    for my high school n i have

    really good jumps;] but you should

    get a trampoline and doing it; or you can

    jump off something

    [Stair, curb, chairs] to make them higher ;]

    >X>Hope this can Help you<X<

  7. Squats are not your answer.  There are very few exercises you can do to increase your vertical that quickly, but there are a few secrets.

    Check out if you want to learn the real tricks to jumping higher

  8. ankle weights are always good for making your jumps better. Stretching is always good too.

    For toe touches do a straddle stretch. (Sit in a straddle and lay your stomach on the ground between your legs. also try and lay your stomach on your right and left knee.) If you can do that try middle splits with your chest on the ground and arms in a T.

    For pike jumps do a pike stretch. (Try to touch your toes in a pike make sure your legs are strait.)

    For hurdler I would do a split with your back leg bent and try to touch your front foot.

    Trampoline is great for working on getting ur jump positions in the air!

    Also working on leg and stomach muscles.

    I really hope this helps=-)

  9. work on your legs exercise them

    you can buy weights to wrap around your legs

    like rock lee from naruto lolz

  10. Toe Touches are the main jump you should practice. Also herkies and pikes will look nice and impressive if performed properley.

    Here are some exercises to work on that will help your toe touches and all other jumps.

    First sit in straddle. Dont make it too wide, just a reasonable straddle is fine.

    Place both hands on either side of one leg and then lift the leg which your arms are next to up and down about 20 or so times.

    Repeat this on the other side.

    Do it as many times as possible, 2 - 3 times a day!

    This will help you roll your hips up to jump, working muscles that you would normally be unable to strengthen.

    Another exercise is to find a flat surface higher then what you are standing on. Something about knee height or higher if you want to improve your jumps further. Then jump up onto it, then back down.

    This will increase the height of your jumps and strengthen some of the main muscles in you legs.

    Practice, Practice, Practice and every cheerleading skill you gain will improve .

    Good luck!

  11. Hi London.............I used to coach basketball and one of the things I helped kids do was try and build leg muscles without hurting themselves...............remember though, if you haven't been walking or swimming or bike riding don't just do this already have to be in shape a little.   If you have access to a weight bench or any bench....take any weight, but a weight bar is best and set it on the bench...then start at the end of the bench and walk straddle of the bench so that you have a leg on boths side of the bench in case you fall or just want to sit down and rest. Now pick the bar up and sit it on your shoulders and then you jump up and then come down in the 1/2 squat up to 10 and rest , then do it again, rest, and then once more  ......about 30 reps these are jump squats........with a saving position for you. Everyone has their own idea's but I think that the 1/2 squat is best for your knees....esp. if you are young yet. The other thing in that position is put the bar on your shoulders and do toe raises.......same deal.......3 groups of 10 to start.......see how your body feels the next day.......before you add any weight to the bar or try to do any extra rebs. Also "John Wooden's" 3 different jumping up box drills are good......just have dad nail you 3 different size cubes together use them like stairs....jump up one side and them jump down the other other words you are stacking them side by side...or you can spread them apart and jump onto one and jump down and up to a higher one and jump down and now spring load you lets and jump to the highest..........they both improve the vertical leap alot........just be they don't slide on you.  All the best young lady..........til your dreams come true! bye

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