
How can I get him to kiss me?

by  |  earlier

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I have been dating my boyfriend for a month and he hasnt gone in to kiss me yet! We hug and cuddle and tickle and hold hands, so it's not like he's afraid to touch me. We are 16 and juniors in highschool so I really think the kiss is overdue. I catch him looking at my lips all the time so I think he's just nervous, but how do I make the first move? Or how can I hint to him?





  1. I did the same thing when I was 16.  I had never kissed a girl before so I didn't know how to go about doing it.  You can do one of two things. You can tell him it would be ok if he kissed you.  If he doesn't, then he might be g*y.  Or you could just do it yourself.  I'm somewhat old-fashioned in that I believe the man should be the instigator of most dates, getting engaged, etc. but a kiss can come from anyone.  I love it when my fiancee just up and kisses me for no reason.

  2. just kiss him dont wait for him

  3. It looks like you're both nervous or you would make the first move.

    It's not always up to the guy to make the first move..

    You should just pull him close and kiss him!

  4. Just go right up and kiss him for gods sake!

  5. seriously?! wow, your right it's late and hes nervous. :)) it will happen don't worry. but, if you want it to happen soon you should totally hint or be straightforward- either way will work. you guys sound comfortable enough to talk like this so here's an idea- when you guys are alone and just having a casual, good time, ask him straight out "do you ever think about kissing me?" that will put him on the spot and make him realize that you've obviously been thinking about it. or, if you don't like that aproach, try another way. i don't know if this is "subtle", but you can try anyway. when you guys are talking and hugging and tickling and all that cute stuff, lean in. get close to his face, pause. don't kiss him... wait. see what he does. feel it out :) he just might lean in the rest of the way and you guys will finally kiss. if those aren't your kind of thing im sorry but maybe they opened up some ideas for you :) hope i helped and good luck!  

  6. you need to make him want you put your hand high up on his leg and put your arms around his neck and pull him really close and look into his eyes and hold him there and if he doesnt do anything just close your eyes lean in and kiss him yourself

  7. kiss him on the cheek, real close to the mouth

    answer mine:

  8. Just kiss him. And be confident about it, boys love that. The girl can also be the aggressor. It's worked well for me. :)

  9. Don't really hint it to him too much because he may be nervous and think you may not kiss him back or something so you should try and do it 1st and then he'll feel more confident and start kissing you

  10. how kiss him...

  11. just go for it. when you catch him looking at your lips just find all your courage and say something like.... "you know they kiss as good they look" or just kiss him. just do it. he is not going to push you away or anything. he will actually be relieved knowing you want to kiss him.

  12. Just kiss him... not that hard to figure out.

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