
How can I get him to stop playing games with me?

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This guy I really like (or at least liked) keeps playing games with me. He will act as if he likes me and I'll believe he likes me then he does something to hurt me. And it makes me change my mind all over.

He'll keep saying HEY to me and trying to get my attention and then I'll end up getting hurt for going in deeper. (Like saying YES to his friend asking me out for him then finding out he doesn't wanna go out with me afterall).

What am I supposed to do? I've tried ignoring him but that DOESN'T work... I just want him to be straightforward with me... but he is immature and no one takes him seriously exactly... We are grade 9.




  1. put out

  2. Well, you need to talk to him, normally, like a friend. Don't let him do anything that might lead to you getting hurt. If he starts showering you with complements, say thanks and kind of make it clear you aren't interested. Eventually, he'll realize that he can't manipulate anymore, and he'll stop.Oh yeah and if you are around him and his friends, make sure you have your friends with you. More people usually makes people afraid to do anything to just one person.

  3. hey, the same thing happend to me a little while ago it wasent the best.

    i think you should talk to him like tell him what he is doing is unfair one you cuz he is playing with your emotions after all and its not a nice feeling, talk to him away from his friends he is acting the way he is to ammuse his friends.


  4. Walk up to him and tell him...Stop paying games with me! That'll make him stop for sure

  5. thnx for answering my question mines kinda the same as well. and im in 9th grade too.

    Go up to him and ask him straight out do u like me or not and then if he says yes then go for it if he says no then be friends or sumthin.

    i hope it all works out.

  6. dont worry about him , hes playing a game .

  7. Sounds harsh, but if his friend is asking you out for him...... DUH. If you can't talk to each other, than maybe it is just a game. Maybe he is just looking for attention. Try to talk to him, by himself.

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