
How can I get him to stop???

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my son is 6years old and he's always chewing on his shirt. well he does it while playing his video game or while watching tv how can i get him to stop. do you think his neves are bad?




  1. maybe his shirt tastes good. if mine did, id chew on it too.

  2. My daughter did this also...most of her hoodies, etc would have ragged edges on them from her chewing.  She stopped once she got braces on her teeth.  It helped to get her out of the habit.  Braces also stopped her nail biting.  Try not to make a big deal out of it with him.   I think that can make it worse.  Just push up his sleeves, and give him a plastic straw or something to chew on.

  3. leave him alone he will grow otta it

  4. My younger brother has been chewing his shirt or placing it on his face over his nose for years. Is somebody bothering your son at school? Our family doctor said that my brother's chewing was an anxious reaction to social stress. Your son's may be the same thing. You should talk to a doctor and/or dentist, sometimes chewing on things (other than food) can be harmful to the teeth.

    I hope your son is alright!

  5. My brother used to do this! It was gross. He eventually grew out of it.

    Why not give him gum (if he doesn't swallow it) to chew on instead?

  6. In the pet aisle you'll find a spray product called Bitter Apple.    It is used to teach dogs not to chew on things they like to chew on.    A little spritz on your brother's shirt tails might do the trick.

    A cautionary note:   I've heard tell that some dogs are so persistent in their chewing habits that they actually manage to develop a taste for the bitter apple flavor.   I don't know if your brother will decide Hey, this is tasty, but could use a sprinkle of cinnamon.

  7. Give him sugar free gum to chew on.  I'm not sure this has anything to do with nerves.

  8. He should grow out of it.  Give him time, but if you do catch him maybe get his attention and ask him to please take his shirt out of his mouth or take his shirt off of him and see what happens.

  9. My daughter will do this for a few days and then go on to something else.  They just have little ticks they go through and her pediatrician said it's really nothing to worry about unless it gets extremely bad to the point they obsess about it.

  10. No, i don't think his nerves are bad. My 4-year old nephew does it, both of my brothers did it while we were kids. Only thing I can say is every time you see him doing it, tell him to stop, but they eventually stop. My mom always said she was going to put hot sauce on it! But never did!!

  11. my brother does this, it's just a habit.

  12. This is a habit and habits are hard to stop. perhaps you can start a star chart with him, and give him stars every ten minutes that he doesn't chew on his shirt.

    Than make it every half hour, then every two hours, etc. You need to train him to think about doing something different. How about giving him something to suck like a gob stopper from Willy Wonka - you know, the ever lasting one? (HA)

    It only takes 32 days to make something a habit. so work hard on it for one month and you should be fine.

  13. maybe he just likes too bite on his shirt

  14. spray his shirt with a really disgusting perfume or find something funner for him to do besides tv like going outside and stuff

  15. A lot of kids do this. Mine did it too. Just gently bring it to their attention when you see it and ask them to stop. It just a bad habit from being a baby, like sucking his thumb. His nerves are fine.

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