
How can I get horses to listen to me better?

by  |  earlier

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Today I went to look at horses for sale and they didn't want to listen to me do you have any tips for me?

Also I need to learn how to canter trot and lope.




  1. The best way to learn to ride is by riding a variety of different horses as you develop your skills.  If you spend your money on purchasing a horse, you will most likely only be riding that one horse and learning by trial and error.  It can be done, but it isn't the best way to do it.  Getting the horse to listen to you is about being consistent in the way you ask for things like gaits....if you are unsure of yourself when you ride, you will only confuse and frustrate your horse.  Maybe you can ride your cousin's horses while they teach you what they know before you purchase your own horse.

  2. maybe the horses your looking at that are for sale need to trust you before they start listening.

    for your first horse start out with an older one like at the age of 10 and above.

  3. Look for a retired western pleasure or trail (show) horse, Buy a horse that can teach you, not one you need to worry about being able to stay on. This way you can take lessons.

    The BEST way to learn on someone else's horse is to ride in a round pen or on a longe line with the owner or their trainer longing the horse. That way they can give the horse cues and tell you how he will react until you are comfortable giving them yourself. This is assuming the horse knows how to longe. If it doesn't you shouldn't be riding it, it's not trained well enough, longing comes before saddle breaking. (Or it should at least.)

  4. The answer is to ride often and practice the things you are asking the horse to do.  If you don't know the signals the horse knows he doesn't know what you want him to do. Ask the owner to show you his cues and things will go great.

    Good luck and don't give up. Everyday is a day to learn something new.


  5. ok....first off the horse knows that your not experienced. so they probablywont listen to you till you prove to them that your the boss. and your going to make them listen to you.and about the trot canter lope thing that's some thing you learn on your own like balance and stuff.

  6. give them food duh

    we all love food.. yum

  7. idk

  8. woah woah. you dont' need to be looking at horses if you dont' know how to trot or canter!!!! Not only for your safety but b/c if you dont' trot or cantter the horse yourself, then you won't know if it is a good canter, collected, or if it is strung out. If they arn't listening to you when you are on them, its b/c they prob know you are inexperienced. horses can sense things easily.  

  9. its not the horse, its you so i wouldnt be trying out horses for sale if you cant get a horse to respond to you

  10. i agree with the first person.... but another reason why the horses may not be listening to you is because they dont know you and there fore they dont trust you....

  11. When I was looking at new ponies for eventing I found that they never listened. Then I worked out that they don't trust you and they don't know you nd they are really jumpy and distracted, then I joined up with them and they trusted me and they were great. Its basically that they don't trust you and some times have no idea of what you asking. Ponies are all trained differently!

    With the trotting and cantering.

    It's kinda hard 2 give you tips without pics.

    Heres a link for Join up

  12. you probaly shouldnt be buying a horse if you dont know how to trot. if you are having trouble getting them to listen its probaly just ur lack of experience.

    Try using your legs more than your hands, thats very important.  

  13. ya you really dont want a horse if you cant even trot yet. thats like REALLY basic. give it time. many people think horses respect you by showing whose boss by slapping, or yelling or something, but i stay calm, and am very gentle, as a result all the horses really seem to like me over other people at my barn! :) i do use force if necessary though. (not slapping, just hey! or maybe a very small tap depending)

    but really, owning a horse is NOT for beginners. please please please wait, you dont want to have to ask the little schooling kids for help! good luck!

  14. you have to show them whos boss or they will push you around.

  15. Okay if you have no experience in the saddle than why the heck are u looking at horses. Of course the horses arent gonna lsiten to you becasue u have no idea what your doing.

    Stoping looking and go take some lessons an learn stuff before you go and do anything more. Horses are alot of responsiblily and not just a machine. You need to learn alot before u go out and buy one

  16. it seems like youre looking for a horse that you can grow and learn with? Id actually advise you to start out taking lessons from an instructor and their horse. Horses are living beings too and they need their riders to know what theyre doing! Please learn how to ride before purchasing a horse!!!

    But as for "getting them to listen to you", horses are pretty good at sensing feelings and intentions. Silent communication is always important, and try not to do anything that would aggravate the horse.

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