
How can I get insurance?

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I'm in my early twenties. I graduated with a B.A. I don't have any money. I took out student loans to get the degree. I have a brain disorder that isn't well controlled (no one's fault). It's hard for me to work 40 hours a week, and it's nearly impossible for me to afford my medication (500 dollars a month).

Currently, I'm enrolled at community college, so that I can remain on my mother's insurance. But that just takes out more time of my day that I could be spending working (but again, this is the cheapest way). Except, that I need to take out more loans for useless classes just so I can have a normal life.

I don't know what to do. I don't think I'm eligible for medicaid, because I live with my parents (I would like to move out, but I can't afford it). I keep getting more in debt, trying to take my meds and live and work, but I just want to give up. I don't even think I count as disabled because I can still work (as long as I have medicine).

It seems (please don't attack me) that the best way would be for me to get pregnant so that I can get everything free (I live in NYS... and that's apparently the way the system works).

I could get free housing, have insurance, and get free food.

I've done everything I was "supposed to do" in life, being careful, and trying hard, and it's gotten me nowhere.

Please someone give me advice before I do something ridiculous.




  1. If you have a brain injury that you can get a Dr. to state that you are unable to work then you can get perminate disability checks which would entitle you to health care, housing, food stamps, and whatever else the government gives to folks that can't work. But please be honest don't just be another one of those losers sucking off the system us tax payers are already suffering with people who are full of s**t and say they can't work. If you really are hurt and unable than so be it but don't try to scam the system it's just not right.  

  2. Maybe switch schools? If you don't want to find a different job, try and transfer colleges. My college offers a really great insurance plan that both me and my husband are on. Whatever you do, don't you dare get pregnant! That would certainly only make life harder for you, not to mention your poor child.  

  3. there are many jobs that require little education and still provide full health coverage.  get a job that doesnt pay well but provides full coverage and still live with your parents

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