
How can I get internet service without a home phone.?

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I was told I could get internet service in my home without having a land line if I purchase a broadband card. Does anyone know about this? Is anyone using this to get internet service? Where can I get one at a decent price and do you have to pay a monthly fee if so how much? What about an air card? I have a Dell Desktop but I dont have a home phone but, I need the internet. Thanks




  1. You can go through like clear-wire or xanadoo. They are usually only like $20 a month and you can get the wireless modems for your laptop.

  2. " I want to be able to get the internet without dealing with the cable company, att, comcast, or verizon."

    your going to have to deal with somebody.

    the cable company/ phone company have the best bang for the buck as far as bandwidth for price.

    verizion allows "dry loop " installs , that is DSL without dial tone phone service. I have it right now.

    the wireless aircards you speak of work over the cell phone network which means your still dealing with the phone company, just using thier cell towers instead of their phone lines. they are also slower and more expensive.

    you could go wireless line of sight or satelite , but again very expensive .

    basically, if you have a desktop at home your best bet is either cable internet or DSL, everything else is aimed at a diffferent market of consumers...

    aircards for ultra mobile travelers

    line of sight wireless and satelite   for far out rural people who cant get cable/dsl.

  3. You can get cable internet.  That service doesn't require a home phone.

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