
How can I get into my boyfriends computer when he has a password sign in ?

by Guest10636  |  earlier

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How can I get into my boyfriends computer when he has a password sign in ?




  1. The important question is...why do you want to?

  2. I have no idea why you would want to do this but just press F8 when booting up his PC and move down to safe mode. This way you can log into the administrator account.

    If you want his documents then go into Windows Explorer and type C:\Documents and settings\ into the address bar and click enter. There should be several folders pick the name of his account. If it gives an error message saying something like Access denied or cannot read from source of disk then I got nothin' he blocked it.

    Oh yeah one more thing, by doing this you have probably broken the law. Have fun in prison! :-)

  3. If there is a thing around the login that says "forgot password?" click it and it may ask a personal question about him that you know the answer to. Then it will ask you for an e-mail address to send the password to but, really, don't do it. If you can't trust him then he shouldn't be your boyfriend.

  4. If he has XP try this

    If the computer is off, turn it on and press F8 as it starts.

    It will prompt you with boot options and select Safe Mode

    Once started it will show 2 user accounts, one being yours, the other being Administrator

    Click on Administrator and Windows will start.

  5. He has a password for a reason.  Stay out of his stuff.  Or, if you ask him for his password, and he refuses to tell you, then he is intentionally hiding something from you!

    And he will find out if you log in any other way.

    Sounds like some "trust" issues in your relationship!

  6. If it is windows XP you can turn the computer off. When you turn it back on hit F8 several times on the company logo (Dell, HP, Gateway, whatever...) Then choose safemode with networking. Then you will come to  a logon screen and have the choice between your boyfriends account and Administrator. If he didn't put a password on Administrator (most people don't) you should be able to login. You can then use that account or create your own via control panel>user accounts and then restart in regular mode. Safemode with NETWORKING is okay because you can use the internet (wireless only about half the time, depends on the computer), but you won't be able to use things like a printer or maybe an ipod as the drivers for these devices are not loaded in safe mode.

  7. Gain trust in your boyfriend?

  8. I'd dump you in 2 seconds.

    And it doesn't mean he is hiding anything either, it just means he expects his privacy to remain intact.

  9. uuuh


    if he has a password that means he doesnt want people  IN it

    if you get in there he wont be your boyfriend for long, sweetie

  10. Mind your own business. I hope he breaks up with you.

  11. I know a lot of ways,but i won't tell you nothing.

    I feel sorry for your boyfriend.

    It's illegal too.

  12. You should think carefully whether you want to be known as a meddling snoop, which is what you will be doing if you hack his computer............if he wanted you there he would tell you......back off and pay attention to your own business............

  13. maybe he has done that cos he knows u will download a vrus

  14. u sneak!!!

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