
How can I get into the habit of getting rid of clutter?

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Although I have a very clean and well presented home, I find that I can't bear to part with things even when I know that I don't really need them. It's got to the stage now where I have clothes and ornaments from way way back that I know I'll never use, just taking up space in my home that could be used for other things. How do I get into the habit of "decluttering" so to speak , can you give me some tips or advice?

Thanks a lot.




  1. Take a swift survey of the mess. You’ve got to make a decision. If you lack space for all the stuff you’ve accumulated, you’ve either got to start looking at the “home for sale” ads to move the clutter into a bigger place or start getting rid of that stuff.

  2. hi the best thing to do is have a clear out find a local car boot sale and make some money from your unwanted items the money you make will come in handy then every time your clutter builds you can go do another sale they can be great fun

  3. It's simple. Just take a garbage bag, fill it with whatever you are holding onto, and take it somewhere (garbage, landfill, thrift store, etc.) and never retrieve it. I think you just have to learn to part with things that you don't use on a daily/ monthly basis. I say anything you haven't used in 3 months is safe to toss. In all reality, you should be able to go through your entire home and get rid of items such as: expired medicine, food you no longer wish to eat, clothes that don't fit, knick knacks that are outdated, anything being stored for "later", etc.

    Once you do this, I can guarantee you'll have at least 2 trash bags full. I do this about once per month. Once you declutter the first time, it's easier the next few times. Reward yourself with a new pair of shoes or a new shirt or something. That's what I do when I'm going through my stuff, "Get rid of the old to bring in the new!" I"m sure you'd much rather have new things than old embarassing things laying around.

    Good luck, once it hits the trash bag, don't take it out!

    P.S. The neighbors must think I'm weird for having so much trash on garbage day! Don't forget to donate usable things to Goodwill!

  4. just start       now    go on do it

  5. Donate your stuff that you do noe need to your local womens abuse shelter.That way you know that someone is going to use the stuff and just think how much happiness you have giving to someone in need.That's how I learned how to get rid of my things,I just thought of how I would feel if I were in just one of those womens shoes and how much I would apreciate

    what a stranger has done for me.

  6. What i do is get three boxes one for keeps, one for dont know wot to do and one for chucking out. The clothes and ornaments you can take to charity shops or charity bins that are near the recycling bins in a supermarket. I get so much pleasure from getting rid of things via charity. I am currently decluttering my house I have two kids 3 if you count hubby I am even trying to get him to do jobs that have been put off for ages. I admit Im not the tidiest of people but i am getting there slowly.

    Every week set one day for clearing the clutter you soon wont need the 3 box part you will know wot to do as things start to appear. I am chucking out less as I go on. Its strange to see my carpet always wondered what that looked like amidst the c**p that ended up on the floor.

  7. If there is anything in your wardrobes that you have not worn for a year take it down to the Charity shop.

    Or sell your clutter on e-bay

  8. you've got to be ruthless. i sort my clothes out about once every 6 months and if i haven't worn anything for a while just get rid of it.  The same with cupboards/drawers etc just get rid of any rubbish or clutter.  It is so refreshing to open a newly decluttered drawer!

  9. A very quick fix for the clothing issue is to sort out-of-season clothes into two piles.  One is "I'll definitely wear" and the other is "not sure".  Bag each of the piles and label and send to the top shelf or back of the closet.  If you find some things that you haven't worn or even seen for the past year, run, don't walk, to the Goodwill box.  The "not sure" bag can be gone through at the beginning of its season...get rid of the "never" stuff asap.

    Another bug-a-boo I recently got under control was paper.  I now have a recycling bag right by the front door, so all the annoying flyers never make it to the actual mail pile in the house.  

    So, maybe start there and treat yourself to a relaxing evening when you've finished each organization chore.

  10. Ohhh I can relate to this.

    Go to the website listed below ... Don Aslett is the king of organization! His first book was "Clutter's Last Stand" which is hilarious but also right on the money! Great suggestions, great organizational methods... cheap and easy ways to get your cluttered act together.

    I have no vested interest in Mr. Aslett or his books other than to say that I rid myself of about 25 huge garbage bags worth of cr*p and several boxes of junk I could send to Goodwill.

    Good luck to you! The book is worth the price.

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