I have a history of depression and suicidal thoughts because of losing friends, but no one knows about this. People treat me like I don't matter at school and sometimes I feel like they would treat me with more sympathy if they knew the hurt I've been going through. (You can read more about my situation here -
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AndxZqGWYc1XRcWWx2Cag0LuxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080823124006AA8mUOq )
Anyway, there is a group of people that I would like to be friends with, but I don't know how. I would do any thing to get invited, but my shyness and social anxiety really hold me back. I've read that I should just come out and say "I've lost all my friends and I am really depressed, I would love to hang out with you if thats okay". If someone would say that to me, I would include them in a heartbeat. But to me, coming out and saying something like that would just be awkward. But I don't know how else to get invited.
Any ideas would be so greatly appreciated!
Any other advice/comments would be so nice as well.