
How can I get legs like a rugby player?

by Guest32300  |  earlier

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What exercises do they do to build their legs? And how many repetitions are done?

I dont want to play rugby!




  1. eat lightning-cra*p thunder.

    what we do every game

  2. don't shave them for 30 years

  3. Gym work - Especially squats.  When you train you should feel like you are going to be sick you are that tired.

  4. You have to train like a rugby player.  In the gym, on the practice pitch and in games.  

    In addition to regular weight training (squats, leg press, ham curls, lunges, calf machine) and scrimmages our coach used to make us carry each other piggy back and sprint up steep hills.  Running stairs is also good.

    There are many ways to train your legs.  Be careful not to over-train though.  You need rest to balance it all out and proper nutrition too.

    Heavy sets should only be done two to three times a week.  Other running can be done up to six times a week.  Make sure you have at least one day of complete rest per week.

    Of course the best way to be as fit as a rugby player is to BE a rugby player but that doesn't seem to be what you really want.

  5. Actually, some rugby players do shave their legs to prevent cuts getting infected. And if you want legs like a rugby player -you gotta play the game! They do a wide range of training from strength training to sprinting to conditioning to kicking practice. So if really want legs like a rugby player, then you had better design yourself a programme that incoroprates a lot of those things!

  6. If you want legs like a rugby player start sprinting.  Then when you're out of breath and on the verge of collapse, start lifting.  once that is done, jog for 80min.  then repeat it.  A rugby players legs are tools with which he uses to beat tackles, move mountains of opposition and impress good looking girls on the side line with

  7. Want legs like a rugby player?  Every Tuesday & Thursday , run 10 miles - then do 20 - 40 yd sprints.  After, go get pissed drunk.

    Every Saturday @ 2- go to local park and run sprints for 3 hours.  

    Then head back to the Pub......



    if you wanted to get legs LIKE A RUGBY PLAYER, but not LEGS OF A RUGBY PLAYER, you would have to mix extremely heavy lifting with short sprints, long long distance, and killer cardio. try leg pressing 500+ pounds (or somehing you can get off only like 8 reps with tops), then jump on the treadmill and run like 15 mph for 2 minutes, then go leg press again, and then jump on the treadmill at 8 mph for like 20 minutes, etc etc.  think about these guys, chasing after the ball, backpedaling to get flat or steep, running for a tackle, have to simulate the entire thing which is a pain in the ***, i dont know why you just wouldn't play rugby.

    PLAY RUGBY!!!!!!

  9. Ugh, why would you like to have such legs if you do not play rugby? If you were born with pretty, straight, perfect legs, then maybe you were not meant to earn a living being a sports figure,  can be on GQ as a model, earn a living using your brains instead.

    Like the saying says, be careful what you wish for. Rugby legs belong to a rugby player, pass the pretty legs genes to your future children and they will love you especialy if they will be girls.

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