
How can I get maximum shrinkage of a 100% cotton shirt?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered a 100% cotton shirt online, size Medium. Turns out that's too large and I could've used a small. Oops.

I could send it back and get a different size but I would prefer to not have to bother with that if I'm able to shrink it myself. I know to use hot water in the washing machine, then the highest temperature setting on the dryer, but do you have any other suggestions to get maximum shrinkage?




  1. Wash it and dry it - twice.

    Then gain an extra 10 to 15 pounds. That should do it.

  2. wash it HOT water... and put in the dryer. that will shrink it way down.... HOT wash, and then hot dry...

  3. You might find that it won't shrink no matter how hot a temperature you wash/dry it at. A lot of fabrics are pre-shrunk during manufacture.  Too be honest I'd send it back and get a smaller size.

  4. I think your question has the only answer.  Depending on the cost of the shirt and postage to return it, is it worthwhile or put it through the hot treatment and hope for the best.  Don't leave it in your wardrobe for the next decade;  perhaps you should give it away.

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