
How can I get money for medical expenses not covered by insurance?

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How can I get money for medical expenses not covered by insurance?




  1. You have to earn it just like everyone else.

  2. Unlike some jerks who think that the only reason you don't have insurance is because you don't have a job, I know that there are many many jobs that people can have that don't offer insurance and since the states only want to support the women/girls who pop out kid after kid by who-knows-who and won't get a job, if you are like me you might not qualify for state aid either.

    My husband just had to have an appendectomy and the bill was around $17,000 and we had no idea how we were going to pay it.  We found out that the hospital he went to had a financial help program called Charity Care and we had to fill out an application and see if we qualified.  It is income based and we ended up qualifying and they wrote off the entire bill.

    You might want to talk to the billing department at the hospital and ask if they have any income based programs that you can apply for to help cover those costs.

  3. Depends on the service you're looking into... If its something like Lasik, you'll have to save up the $ yourself... If its something medically necessary or very expensive & non-covered; there may be community resources, or non-profit/charitable organizations that assist people who need help paying for the service.

  4. You will just have to make monthly payments to the hospital until the debt is settled.

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