
How can I get more energy at the office?

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I'm tired and I want to get energy using common office supplies. I'm not looking to be told to get coffee or bring in energy drinks, I want to use something that's already here, and that my boss pays for :)




  1. try doing push ups or bring jump ropes to the office. do it whenver you're tired and you'll get heart rate up. eat many vitamins.

  2. Use the air. It's free. Learn yoga and breathing exercises in your own time. They will energises you. So will a yogic diet. Change your lifestyle. Then practise your breathing exercise at work also. No problem with that.

    That can help you change your attitude to more and more positive. You need to see the good in everything. That gives you energy. Just being positive gives you energy. When you feel negative emotions and thoughts, like you think bad about your workmates or your boss, that takes your energy.

    Everyone has the choice to be happy and positive but a lot of us choose to be lethargic and miserable anyway.

  3. eat lollies and chocolate

    then burn it off bye having s*x

  4. deep breathes.seriously.

  5. The best thing to do is to eliminate caffeine from your diet.  Completely.

    Make sure your chair is at the right height, and your feet are comfortably flat on the floor.  Sit up straight- poor posture really kills your energy levels.  And take a break to go outside and breathe some fresh air if possible.

  6. Walk around the office continuously with some important looking papers in your hand. If you can keep that up all day, you will have covered several miles.

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