
How can I get more focused on making the money I need?

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I was anxious about money after have so many hospital bills that I had to borrow money to pay bills. I have a son who was hospitalized & he passed away. I have debt now & can't make enough money to cover bills so I just keep borrowing. What can I do to care about making money but not feel anxious about it.....Is there another section that I can put this question.....I am looking for Louise Hay type of insight or any other holistic health ideas.....I don't need to understand how to manage money........I just went from overwhelming anxiety to freezing p to now being so relaxing I just need some desire to want to get out & make the money & I will be it is a balance issue.....I love the work I do which is to help others clear out clutter & organize their lives....Yet, I haven't been able to see into this issue in my own life....I decided to start coaching people over the phone to make more money & I wanted to help people so I made sure people knew what I charged but knew I would help them anyway....well, I have people calling me & no one paying I care for others but I also care for my own family......Help me get unstuck from this....any insight or advice is appreciated.




  1. i am in a similar hole with money.Mainly cause i am home carin for my mom with cancer and about to be sued by the seethearst of chase bank and Amex cause i van no longer paid ther double digit interests rats and my credit is shut off. I am so sorry bout ur son

    Unles i get a miracle i will go bankrupt. Was kils me is that we had dave planned for just this but a maniac fired me from good job for sport and my life and has unraveled ever since. This is why i have been reduced to using my vreative talents to verbally whack neo con trolls

  2. So sorry about your son! How difficult it must have been!

    To generate more finds, how about teaching workshops so you have many people you can coach at the same time and you really multiply your income?

    Also, to get out of the problem when people call you for help but don't pay you, you could go over to a telephone number where the client pays pr. minute as he phones. (Don't know what it's called in the UK or US). You just contact your telephone company and they'll tell you what to do. In that way you are guaranteed payment for your help over the phone.

    A book which I found super:

    "For once in your life be who you want, have what you want"

    Author: Chris Prentiss

    Publishers: Power Press, Los Angeles, Ca.

    ISBN: 0-943015-00-6

    I wish you all the best and much better finances very soon!

  3. I was in the same place as you are a few years ago.  There was one thing (besides just plain hard work) that turned my fortunes around.  It was a audio program somebody gave me by a guy called Dr. Robert Anthony.  (I've linked his website below for you).

    Dr. Anthony will teach you how to get out of your own way and 'attract' money instead of self-sabatoging your own success.  His techniques not only will improve your life financially but also emotionally which will help your anxiety and fear.

    Hope this helps!  Good luck to you.

  4. I am so sorry, I hope and  pray for him. Maybe you could get insurance like Medicaid or Medicare which would cover most of his expenses. Your coaching idea sounds great and there are many organizations that do that with whom you could network.Coaching is also done a lot with children who have ADHD, andyouu might get in touch with  theCHADD Website which is the center of their activities Best of Luck John

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