
How can I get more organized for high school?

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i've always been very cluttered and messy and every year i tell myself I'm going to get better but I never do.I always buy binders and shittt, but I always stop using them after like the first week.I have a serious problem I do all my work but then I can't find it so it's really annoying!!!!




  1. get a binder for each class or get a few binders to split between classes. I'm the same way. When you narrow down the classes between binders it makes it easier to find stuff. Put the oldest stuff in the back and the newer stuff in the front.

  2. OK i know how you feel. Buy a 3-5 subject notebook. Best invention ever!

    1. It's way lighter.

    2. One thing to keep track of.

    Only problem is space to put office size papers in stuff. If you don't mind folding them in half then it's awesome. If you do...idk lol.

    Use five star ones, they are more expensive but last longer.  

  3. Well, I had the same problem... I bought all this c**p and then when I needed it the most i could never find it... Then I bought this binder that has the 3 rings in it and I bought 6 folders - one for each of my subjects and a homework folder... And I know how hard it is to keep it organized, but once you have the habit of just taking out the folder during class, sticking all the notes and **** into it and putting your homework in its folder it usually works out. Otherwise stick your stuff into a Zippable binder and when you get home, put it all in its place... Hope this Kinda Helps....  

  4. instead of buying a binder for each class,

    you should just buy DIVIDERS with POCKETS in them.

    1 divider for each class

    use the pockets to put your notes in

    you can even get 1 extra divider for your HW

    but its up to u to decide. ;)

  5. Okay well you shuold have told us how many classes you have.

    I'll just show you mine instead.

    I have 8. 4 on one day and 4 on the other. For each class I have either a notebook or a 1" cheap binder (NOT expensive 5star ones, trust me they're a waste of money!)

    Anyways, THEN I bought two thin files, for 4 classes respectively. In that, I put my homework, and take it home, instead of the huge binders/notebooks, which I leave at school.

    When I come back in the morning I file my homework or whatever was in the files back into a binder or notebook.

    It gets way easier if you have less classes.  

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