
How can I get more people to view my 360 blog?

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  1. Whether someone reads your blog depends on how much effort that you put into promoting it and how interesting your blog is to people:

    1. Connect with other users (i.e. social networking)

    - In 360, you can find people with similar interests via the Search page. You can also find people via Y/A profiles. Yahoo! Groups also has a link for adding people to 360 spaces.

    - Finding "active" users is key to a great Y!360 experience. Try to connect with people who have a decent amount of content about themselves on their Y!360 (which means you should have the same on yours), people who comment on their friends pages, people who update their blogs often.

    - Be active yourself. Visit other blogs and develop online relationships with others. On sites less dedicated to social networking features, commenting on other blogs and having people comment on your blog is very important.

    2. Promote your space or blog

    - Wherever you can, you should put a link to your blog. Your profiles, your signature in personal e-mails, and etc. You should do this without spamming sites and people though. Send a link to your 360 space to all your contacts (friends and family) and encourage them to pass it on.

    3. Make the blog easy to find

    - If possible, make the URL address easy to find and remember. In Y!360, you can create a simple URL for that purpose. It shortens the web address so that it's easy to remember. If you can choose aspects of your blog's address, make it memorable.

    - Some services have RSS-capabilities. You can make your blog have a RSS button, enabling people to add it to their browser or newsreader's RSS list. RSS stands for real simple syndication, which allows users to see your blog in an aggregated form and not actually have to visit it. See more information here: and . RSS in Y!360 only works with "Public" blogs.

    4. Last but certainly not least: Consistently post interesting content

    - Mainly, the blog should be authentic. Your thoughts, your creative background, your interests - there's only one "you," so be expressive! I know, that's corny, but it's true.

    - Keep it updated.

    - Theme... is your blog a commentary on the latest news? Is it a diatribe about activities in your daily life? Is it only about your pet's quirks? A theme isn't necessary, but a purpose helps. Now, if you just want to write anything that comes to mind, well, try to make it sound like an interesting read.

    - A sense of fun - humor always helps.

    See the 360 team post on "How to blog":

    See the 360 team post on "What makes a 360 page interesting?":

    NOTE: Yahoo! 360 has lots of glitches. RSS features are not reliable. The invitations feature for many people are not working right now (mostly on the receiving end). See for more on 360 glitches.

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