
How can I get more power out of my swing?

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How can I get more power out of my swing?




  1. eye on the ball, see ball hit ball... back leg should straighten out...weight should be trasfering from back to front leg..  head should follow ball... arms should extend through contact and swing should extinguish quickly at the momeny of contact; compact swing...  

  2. when the pitcher starts their wind up, start leaning back and bringing the bat back, and then when its coming towards you, start your swing and shift you weight from your back leg to your front leg at the point where thebat hits the ball.

  3. alright, the key is not to swing hard, it is to have fast hands and good mechanics. Good base, load hands, hips and heels, swing your hands,and turn your hips, fast(not hard!) to the ball, keep your hands inside the ball, keep pushing the ball where it needs to go after initial contact(inside to righty-LF, middle-CF, outside -RF). work on this everyday. at least do 100 dry me i batted over .400 @ PG with 6 extra base hits in 4 games.

  4. Take HGH

  5. Keep your bat back as far as it can go ,keep your eye on the ball swing really. hard

  6. for what?  

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