
How can I get more range in my jumpshot?

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I'm 15 year old basketball player and I'm a knockdown shooter from mid-range but I can't extend to 3-point range and knock it down. Help please.




  1. Depends, official NBA 3 point or the one they use for like college games?

    I'm 12 and can hit a 3 from the one they use in college and even a bit farther than that too.

  2. Legs give you the propulsion and strength of shoot the ball from a far distance. So go to the gym and work on your legs.

  3. the more legs you can get the better but dont put so much leg in that you lose your shot

  4. Legs make sure before every shot you bend your legs. The more you bend your legs the more range you will get. So try alot of jumping like in place before you go to bed(if you dont want to go to the gym) Things like that should help. GOOD LUCK!

  5. Lift weights to get stronger. Then you can shoot from further away. Don't lift weghts too much though because then you'l be too strong and shoot too hard and you're going to have to adjust you're jumpshot so that you shoot lighter.

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