
How can I get motivated to clean my house?

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I just feel worn out all the time. I live alone and work full-time. I am a good employee, a responsible pet owner, a good girlfriend, but when it comes to cleaning I just feel so blah about it. I have dust everywhere and when I think about cleaning it just seems like an overwhelming task that I don't know how to start. I used to not be like this when I was younger and had an efficiency. I was a neat freak. I avoid having people over because I think my place isn't nice like other people's.




  1. Invite a good friend over for lunch on a weekend.  

    You will pick up your stuff and clean your house.

  2. Get a double espresso frapuccino from starbucks, then you are wired to do even more. Then, you can come over to my house to clean!. Thank you in advance.

  3. Also, before people come over, grab a clothes basket and go throughout your home, throwing in every misplaced item.  Put the basket in your closet.  After your guests leave, or when you aren't feeling blah, get it out and go through it properly.  I even have a coffee table from Ikea that opens up for extra storage.  I use that to shove stuff in sometimes.

  4. Start by doing one room at a time for more information go to this website:

  5. Start small so it doesn't feel so overwhelming and plan a doable deadline.  For me the biggest motivator is knowing that people are coming over!   So....allow yourself ample time and then plan a party or small dinner w/friends and send out invites.  That 's your's out there in writing and they're coming!!!!    Now...get a timer and commit to doing just 10-20 minutes of cleaning in a couple of rooms, turn off the TV and turn on some music and get going....10-20 min...that's not such a big deal.  Before you know it things will be looking much better and it won't seem so overwhelming.  Finally reward yourself buy purchasing rug, nice scented candles.  LOL!

  6. Take pride in what you have and keep it clean- it doesn't take long to clean the house, buy some clorox wipes to clean the kitchen counters and bathrooms. picking up things around the house is a big help, rinse out dishes and put them in the sink  - vacuum and dust once a say you have dust everywhere? you may need better furniture polish!  it is not that hard and I also work full time and my house is spotless, I do not want to ever be embarrassed by people stopping by and seeing my house look like a dump!!!

  7. First of all, never compare yourself to others because you are you and you're human after all.

    Some people are obsessive compulsive and their homes look like they have five housekeepers cleaning and dusting and doing the laundry.  I know people like that and I don't invite them to my house because I know that they will judge me. They always want you to invite them and then wonder why when you won't.

    I myself have to have coffee and a vitamin when I have to attack a laborious task. One room at a time is your best bet. Don't try to do everything in one day, unless you have a tiny apartment.

    If you are allergic to dust and if you can afford it, why not ask around to find someone in your area to do the things that you just can't get around to? Even having someone cleaning up for you once a month at the very least might be better because then you could keep up with the little things that are more manageable.

    The other thing is, doing a regular spring cleaning can do wonders for picking up your spirits.

    Put a reminder on your cell phone or computer to do laundry or clean out your closet because by putting it on the appointment calendar, you set the process into motion.

    Don't make such a large list that it will be feel like you are punishing yourself.

    Try psyching your mind up by getting early and opening all of the windows to air out the place and break those chores into smaller tasks.

  8. listen to music while you clean! it works for me!

  9. Now mind you I love my daughter (28) but cleaning without a court order is an impossibility.She and the 2 boys live with me and I'm the one stuck working/paying bills.

    I have given thought to having a cleaning lady come over once a week for a few hours.I come home from a hard day (construction) and I'm pooped.Oh,did I forget to mention her cooking abilities outside the microwave is out.

    Perhaps with just that little bit of help it won't seem like the impossible dream.

    My Best

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