
How can I get movies I made on my casette video camera onto my computer?

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The camera is a Panasonic Palmsight PV-L557.




  1. You need to have a video card that you can plug your video camera directly into. If you have a PC and it does not have that, you can by an after market PC video card whether it is  PCI or AGP slot. Make sure 1st, then once you have that installed you can up load the video and edit or save it from there. I had to do it for my PC also. Worked really well

  2. The PV-L557 is apparently a VHS-C camcorder. It is analog.

    There is no USB or firewire connection. Use the AV cable you normally use to connect the camera directly to a TV. You will need an analog/digital bridge (Pinnacle Dazzle if your computer has only USB; Canopus if your computer has firewire).

    Connect the camcorder to the A/D bridge with the AV cable - connect the A/D bridge to the computer with USB or firewire.

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