
How can I get mum to get me a horse?

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Mum and dad don't like horses and horses riding is my hobbie.

Mum and dad don't think I'm that good.

I've been riding for neally two years and mum still says when I'm 15 I'll hate horses. (thats not true)




  1. Hold your breath until one gives in.

  2. well thats too bad that your parents dont like horses..having a horse is loads of responsiblity,(shots,shoes,food,worming,... need alot of room to live. and your parents know that...if you truly want a horse you should get a job so you can help pay for all of the horses needs,keep your grades up,help around the house, do extra chores without being asked...

    thats all i can really say and:

    Good Luck!


  3. just convince them that you know alot about horses, talk to your instructor and ask if she/he maybe could put a little input into talking to your parents and get you parents to come see you ride. also get your mom and dad to ride a horse and see how they appreciate them.

    good luck!

  4. Sorry your parent's don't like horses and unfortunately there is probably no way they are going to change their minds.  For one thing horses are expensive and unless you are old enough to have a job someone is going have to pay for all it's needs (feed, vet bills, shoeing, etc.).  Your mom and dad know this and they don't want this responsibility.  Also they worry to that when you turn 15 you will want to spend more time with your friends that you will never be home and they will in the end not only be paying for the welfare of the horse but doing all the chores as well.  I would start showing them if not already that you can be a responsible person that might help convince them.  I don't know how old you are but start looking for ways to make money and start saving to buy your own horse. Mow lawns, offer to walk the neighbors dog, babysit, etc.

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