
How can I get my 1 1/2 year old to eat healthier?

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How can I get my son to eat healthier food? He loves oatmeal and chicken nuggets is the only meat he will eat. I want him to stay healthy and not lose weight. Is it a phase that he is going through since we have a new baby at home? He holds his food in his mouth and will not eat it after a few seconds I have to make him spit it out b/c he holds his food in his mouth. I went to the store and purchased him some pedia sure for kids and give him vitamins until I take him to an appointment with his pediatrician next month. Please help me. I don't give him sugar either so what is wrong with his appetite?




  1. Yes it may be an attention thing due to the arrival of a new baby as he is sensing a reaction you are making. I would simply either make eating time more interesting by placing food on the plate differently, decorating with vegetables (it does work!) , new spoon or bowl or simply waiting it out until he is ready, it is a faze he will eventually start eating when he knows that all this food is only what he is being offered. Patience and persistence! GOOD LUCK!

  2. Babies won't know the difference if you give him meat or not. Cut it similar to the size nuggets. Gradually introduce him to vegetables and fruits. and different tastes of foods.

    Vitamins are supplement not substitute for food.

  3. Stop giving him chicken nuggets (which is just the excess junk off of a chicken that they probably scrape off the slaughter house floor) they have no real nutritional value at all.  There is nothing wrong with his appetite other than the fact that you are enabling his behavior by giving him garbage to eat.

  4. At 18 months, you are the Adult and the Boss. Simply put other things out for him. He will eventually taste them and everything is cool.

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