
How can I get my 1 yr old to stop smacking?!?

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My 1 year old is getting worse and worse with smacking people in the face if he is told NO or if he is just tired and ready for a nap. How do I get him to stop this?!?! I did not want to correct smacking with smacking his hand but he has gotten so bad that I dont know what else to do....HELP!!




  1. well what i do is in a firm but stern voice (not yelling) get his attention and make him look at you and tell him no it hurts. i don't recommend hitting back it makes it look like it is ok to hit

  2. when  he    does    that  said  no no   and   put  him  in  time  out  

  3. At age one, he is testing reactions. He'll smack over and over and over and over, just to see what reaction he'll get. Even if you smack his hand (which I don't agree with), he'll STILL keep doing it to see if you do the same thing every time.

    He will grow out of this phase, promise. In the mean time try associating the smacking with a lack of attention: he smack you, you calmly put him down in his pack & play and ignore the behavior. He wants a reaction, so don't give him one.

  4. when my children started the smacking phase i used 2 put them down every time they did it,so if hes on your knee and he does it just tell him no and put him off your knee hel soon understand that that's not the way


  5. Take his hand and have him pet whatever he is hitting saying "gentle, gentle'. I do not recommend a time out, he is too little to get the concept. Don't hit back because that is just reinforcing the negative behavior. Also, give him an alternative, like saying if your angry hit a pillow. He may be a little young for this one yet, but it worked for my 18 mo old who did the same thing.

    Good luck!

  6. I would use the corner you tel him what he did was wrong and in the corner he goes no question you take a timer and set it for 1 min a min for every yr old the child is and make him stay there by himself (in sight of you) and tell him when the timer goes off he can come out

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