
How can I get my 15 month old son off the bottle and to stop waking up at night for one at night?

by  |  earlier

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He wakes up 1 to 2 times per night just for us to give him a full bottle of watered down juice or milk. I can give him about 10% jouce the rest water and get away with it. We have tried to just not give him one and give him a sippy of water or nothing at all and he screams histarically until he is so upset he throws up. He does not cry until he falls asleep. That does not work for us so far. We have tried a bottle of water and a sippy of juice, everything we can think of to take away the bottle and him to stop waking up at night. He will drink a "nuby" or advent sippy but lets it dribble all down his shirt or if he is laying down for sleep throws it at me. I even threw all bottles "away" but ended up digging in the garage for them at 2am one night for one. We now wash that one over and over all day, HELP!!! Any new ideas? Which problem should we tackle first? I need a plan! My daughter was no problem with these issues.




  1. its v.difficult,but i decided and stopped the bottle at the age of one and a half ie 18months.the first two days were sleepless or rather he would cry and cry but the third night he accepted milk from a sipper and slept peacefully the whole night.we need to do it

  2. Give him a bottle of water and refuse to give him nothing else.  Juice at night is terrible for his teeth!  Have you tried getting him up and cuddling him back to sleep instead of just handing him a bottle to comfort himself?

  3. You should make a statement to him that night time is for sleeping. A lot of people don't make that association until it's too late. I, too made that mistake w/my last child as i tried to baby him. I broke him out of it by being stern. When he got up in the middle of the night, i would put my arm across his back to keep him down and talk to him as he cried and tried to push his way up. He eventually got tired and went to sleep.

    I know this will seem difficult (as any change is) but it would take work on both your parts.

    GoodLuck and OneLove

  4. That's easy.. just stop! I don't know how some of you do this to yourselves. If you want to be easier on him only give him one bottle for a week, then when he's use to that go down to half and then none at all.. of just put something in his bottle he won't drink much of. I give my daughter a cup of water for bed and it's usually all still there in the morning. As far as the bottles go.. throw them all out, give him a sippy cup with something he really likes in it and he will figure it out.

  5. i have the same trouble right now. i started with the day time bottle and took those away completely . he didnt like it at first , but got used to it. he also lilked drinking from a "big person cup " . so it helped with us to put his sippy in the regular cup and it made him feel like he was drinking out of the regular cup . as far as the night time , well like i said i am still working on that myself , but this should give you a starting point . good luck .  

  6. my daughter takes a dummy. i took night feeds away at 10mos as i knew she was eating enough in the day so she wasnt hungry, she wanted the comfort.

    i got up to her, lay her down, gave her a dummy, said night night, she stood back up - i was doing this continually for hours for a few nights. but she learned mummy wasnt picking her up out the cot and that i was still here and now she goes 12-13 hours right through,  if she wakes, she self soothes.

  7. Once you take the bottle away he will not be able to have one at  night so that would solve both problems. I hate to say it but the only way to get him off of it is to simply take it away and tough it out. If you could maybe melt the nipple a little so the hole would shut and it wouldn't work anymore, maybe that would work. I'm not sure of any other way to make the bottle "not work" anymore. If you can figure something out though that might frustrate him enough to give it up. Sorry I now that's not much help

    **EDIT  The first girl is actually totally right it just has to stop, even if that seems harsh. A dummy is a paci

    EDIT 2 You are just going to have to put your foot down. Make sure he can't hurt himself and let him throw his fit. It is going to be hard you just have to do it

  8. Bottles are terrible things to put your child to sleep with. I would give him the cup and the cup only.  He knows the fits work and he will get what he wants.  The bottle should have been taken away at 12 months period. I know it sounds harsh but you have to have the willpower to stick with it.  

  9. I think you just have to Let him scream it could take up to a week but he will get it  . if he throws up go in clean it up and settle him back down without the bottle don't talk to him of anything its going to be hard but you have to do it Juice on his teeth is just not good .. you could try leaving a sippy cup or water in his cot if he really can't cope.

    good luck  

  10. First - juice should never go in a bottle, only a sippy cup. If baby drinks juice from a nipple all that sugar goes right on his teeth and gums causing decay.  Being that hes 15 months old he should allready have been on the sippy.  My son is 8 mos. old and were allready doing juice from a sippy cup, and he sleeps through the night fine without a bottle.  It's also not reccomended to put baby to sleep with a bottle.  I would just start giving him his milk in a sippy and try

    to get him off that bottle! Try getting him on a schedule so he gets a full 7-9 oz. right before bed so he wont want to wake in the middle of the night for a drink, it's not good for him to be on the bottle at this stage.  I know they are only deciduous teeth (baby teeth) but they pave the way for his adult teeth and it they are made crooked from bottles and binkies there is a much greater chance his adult teeth will be too.  Good luck with everything, but please get him off that bottle!!

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