
How can I get my 15 year old to get up on time for school ?

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I go to work at 5:00 am so I am not here to make sure my son gets up on time for school. He keeps hitting his snooze button and going back to sleep or sleeping through his alarm all together. Even if I call to wake him , unless I stay on the phone for 10 minutes, I'm never sure he got out of bed..... Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. make sure he get enough sleep. sleep early if have too.people tend to sleep back because they don't get enough sleep. if you can make sure he get enough sleep i think it will be easier to get up. and put the alarm clock out of reach so that he have to get up to reach it.

  2. He needs to grow the h**l up, and wake up and go to school and get his education! he's just being lazy, probally because you let him get away with it! Take charge, if he dosent get up on time next time, tell him he's grounded and stick to it!!  

  3. But his alarm right across the room..that way he has to get out of bed to turn it off.


  4. How does he get to school?  Are there consequences at school for being tardy?

    If he has a carpool, tell them to leave without him. Don't let other people be late on his account.

    When his absences and tardies start piling up, and he starts getting in trouble at school, I'm sure he'll start going to bed earlier.

  5. my mother used 2 call me when i went 2 high school call him 15 minutes  before the bus gets there just in case he was still sleeping he can get dressed and get 2 the bus stop.

  6. Hide 5 alarm clocks in his room, and set each one about a minute apart from each other. This way he'll have to get up and walk around to find the clocks. Make sure he goes to bed early enough to where it won't be a problem for him to get up.  

  7. bang some pots and pans together hahaah.

    if you dont want to do that, hide an alarm clock in his room so he has to get up and look for it. it works for me every morning and im 15. but my mom doesnt hide it, i just have it across the room so i have to get up and turn it off, and its really loud so it almost scares me when i get up hahaha.

    or, call him every ten minutes after his alarm goes off and have him make noises somewhere like the kitchen or something to prove to you that he isnt in bed anymore.

  8. add another alarm in the room, one that he cant see or reach. put it in the night before and make it ring 15 seconds after his alarm rings. and if he cant find it, he cant hit the snooze. good luck.

  9. I would make him go to bed earlier.  If he dosnt want to say he dosnt have to just make him go lay in his bed with the light off.  He will fall to sleep.  

  10. what i do is set my alarm clock on a high volume to my ipod and put it across my room so i need to get up. maybe you could set one on his cell phone but put it on vibrate under his pillow.  

  11. im 16 and its soo hard for me to get up for school in the morning... im not sure why no matter how early i go to sleep i just keep going back to sleep... im thinking that its all my extra curricular activities on top of school, my parents are always telling me to get up, and there always telling me to go to bed earlier i just dont kno what it is... if you find a good solutions please tell me!  

  12. When I was his age I was staying up until midnight and getting up at 6.  I'm not bragging, I'm about to make a point.....

    So much sleep makes you tired.  When i was going to bed at 10 or 10:30, and then getting up at 7, I was still tired when I woke up.  He might want to try a different sleep schedule, even if it's less sleep.  Sounds crazy I know.  

    Also might be a good idea to introduce him to coffee.  

    No, not for the caffeine silly.... To give him a reason to want to get out of bed, and coffee tastes great!  

    Also, yes try putting the alarm clock somewhere else, like in the bathroom if it's down the hall, then he'll already be where he needs to be to shower and get ready!  Nothing better in the morning and a hot steamy 30 minute shower.


    you might want to disreagrd the answer below, calling the police to wake up and take your kid to school will most likely end up with you in jail.

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