
How can I get my 2 and a half year old to brush his teeth?

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My son is 30 months old, and HATES to brush his teeth. Six months ago he loved it, I am not sure what changed. I tried getting Thomas the Train toothpaste & toothbrush (he loves Thomas). I've tried making up silly songs to get him to want to brush. I've tried brushing my teeth while he brushes his. Now we have resorted "toothbrush hugs". My husband pins his arms down in a hug and I brush his teeth really quickly before he figures out our ulterior motive. This works for about ten seconds and then he clamps his mouth shut. I have tried sitting him down and explaining to him that his teeth will rot out if he doesn't take care of them (which didn't work, not that I expected it to). I don't want to keep struggling with him, but neither do I want his teeth to decay. Does anyone else have a similar story that they found a solution to? If so, please share!




  1. I hear you.  I have 3 kids so I can understand. What I would try is to make it a game where you let him brush your teeth firtst. Then you take turns.. Also you could make a teeth brushing chart, that way he can get a prize everytime he does it ( it does not have to be candy, the prize can be a hug, a new book to read or a little extra time playing before bedtime). It takes some patience. Kids go thru phases. Remember also those teeth are falling down by age 6 so I would not worry about it too much.. Forcing him will not work. If  you give it too much thought he will too and not do it.  

  2. They have some tooth pastes that taste really really good, my daughter loves it now that i got her that tooth paste.  We also sing the song, "This is the way we brush our teeth brush our teeth brush our teeth this is the way we brush our teeth before we go to bed"  She finally remembers the song and we each take a turn singing it and brusing her teeth.  Don't force him or he'll be afraid, but explain to him that it's really important, like you have, and tell him that he can't have snacks (candy, juice, cookies) unless he cleans them off his teeth, that helped for my daughter too.  I told her if she eats big girl foods she needs to be a big girl and take care of her teeth too.  Now she loves it.

    The star chart seems like it might work too :-) kids love earning rewards.

  3. I always let my son start brushing by himself and then I take over.  He sits on my lap and leans back.  I always count his teeth as we brush.. He likes that.

  4. Some battles aren't worth the fight. His teeth won't fall out, if they aren't brushed every single time. He's only 2. Try not making it a battle, -when its time to brush, just say, okay, Mom's brushing her teeth, are you going to join me?

    Oh- your not? Okay, well, then I have to put away the special tooth paste/toothbrush, and when you decide your'e ready, you can use them. See if that helps. Fighting with him won't work.He's too young to reason with you.

  5. this may seem really harsh for a 30 month old boy since I'm 14 but you could show him a picture of some really good teeth and some rotten ones.

  6. Reward with something when he does it

  7. My oldest had to get braces and they gave her a picture of what teeth look like that have not been taken care of and it was gross! He may understand a picture better than the word rot.

    Its also time he just learn there are some things he does simply because mommy/daddy said so. If he does not let you brush his teeth stand him in the corner, or give him time out. It is not as much about brushing his teeth as it is refusing to do what you say. You need to get a grip at a young age. We let my daughter get out of hand in this area and she had to have her tonsils out and absolutely refused the pain meds was screaming at the top of her lungs and you know it had to hurt horribly. At that point my husband and I really regretted not enforcing the "because I said so" a LOT sooner.

    Another thing that works well for he, she is sooooooo long on stubborn is a timer. Buy a cheap digital timer and have him beat the clock. She falls for it every time she loves to set it and turn it off when it beeps. We use it for getting ready etc.

  8. Yes you are right you don't want to frighten the poor love into it.

    I had similar problems with my daughter and i was told that if you stand behind them and brush their teeth from behind (like a dentist) then this can help.

    This helped me no end as there must be some sort of trick to it. Then i found my daughter wanted to do it by herself. I only started off doing it for a small amount of time and not the full '2 minutes' you are supposed to do as i thought what she was doing was better than nothing.

    I hope this can help you out and i wish you ey?!!!

  9. Tell him he is too little too brush his teeth. Worked for me!

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