
How can I get my 3 year old son to stop wetting his pants in his sleep?

by  |  earlier

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My son just truned 3, I have been potty trining him since the age of 2 and he got it real fast and does really good during the day time with it he's been wearing underwear during the day for almost a year.. but when he goes to sleep he always pees in his pants. I was letting him use pull ups during the night but I am letting him just wear underwear to try get him to get used to sleeping without because he is getting older.. I make sure he doesn't drink too much couple hours before he goes to bed on of course I make him use the bathroom before he goes to bed. My bf and I even wake him up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night but most of the time he still pees in his pants. If i don't wake him up to use the bathroom there would be even more pee. I really need help because I need sleep, its getting of tiring washing all those blankets/clothes and cleaning the urine.




  1. It takes some kids years to stay dry at night. Putting him in underwear if he is never dry isn't going to shock him into staying dry. Use the pullups at night and don't make a big deal out of him wetting at night.  In a month if he has been staying dry try underwear again. My son was 10 and we tried everything, no liquids, getting him up at different times and he even saw the doctor. He just didn't wake up until it was too late.This was before pull ups so you can imagine the wet mess every morning. So, I'm not saying that your son will wet until he is 10, I just want you to understand that some kids take longer than others.

  2. Two of my children wet the bed during the night until they were 6 and 7.  My 10 yr old daughter has a friend that still wets at night.  Some children's bladders don't grow as fast as they should.  Pull-ups or OverNights may be the only solution other than medication.  My children took pills prescribed by our pediatrician until they stopped wetting in their sleep.  Just try to remember that he isn't doing it on purpose.  Three yrs old is still quite young to really worry about it though.  You sound as if you are doing everything in your power.  Good luck!

  3. Nighttime dryness is NOT a potty training issue. That is something that a child's body needs to be ready for. Most young kids still need a diaper/pullup at night because their body cannot yet hold an entire night's worth of pee and their brain hasn't yet learned to send a signal to them to wake up to pee. Many, but not all, kids will begin staying dry at night around 3-4 years old. However, kids do tend to have accidents up to around age 6. The only thing you can do to help is to limit liquids after dinner, have him go potty before bed, and have lots of patience :)

  4. He is only 3 years old.  He doesn't have any problems other than his mother expects him to be a clone of his sister.  He is NOT his sister.  Each child is an INDIVIDUAL (learn that word) and each child grows and devlops at their own rate.  Keep him in diapers when he sleeps because obviously he is not fully potty trained. Stop comparing him to his sister.  

  5. I believe it's best if you let your child  choose between underwear and pull-ups to bed i bet he'll choose the pull ups when getting ready for bed still take him to the bathroom and let him do what he needs to do but i wouldn't limit fluids. it's normal  

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