
How can I get my 4 month old to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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My son is 4 months old and refuses to sleep at night. He doesn't do this during the day. I recently put him in his crib where the first 2 nights he slept all night then not at all. I have tried him crying it out but hes a screamer and refuses to give up. I have waited til hes asleep through nursing him or rocking him then laying him down but he immediatley awakes. I have tried the same in his bassinet in my room and he does the same. I did a bad thing and let him sleep with me which worked great but now the situation has gotten real bad and he hates when I leave his side. He's on a routine at night where hes given a bath, eats then goes to bed around the same time every night. I've tried bedtime lotion and can not use it anymore cause it dries his skin out to much. Please help me, I need sleep. Any suggestions?




  1. Make sure you're fairly loud and the lights are on all day. At night, why not try a sleep positioner--a hard sided one like The First Years so he feels secured. You can use a different lotion on him that won't dry him out. Crying it out does work--it just takes a few hours. Most doctors won't recommend it before 6 mos of age. At night, the room needs to be completely dark. Maybe try a humidifier, white noise machine, or small box fan to drown out any noises that may be affecting him.  

  2. Have you tried swaddling? I know he seems a bit old for it but I still have to do it to my son. He is 5 months and has no problems when I move him to his crib, he normally sleeps with me. When he is all wrapped up tight he doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference. We use the swaddleme blanket. You can also try transitioning by nursing him to sleep on the floor, mattress on the floor....then move yourself away. After he gets used to not feeling you all night it might be easier to put him in his crib.

  3. walmart carries a "heart beat bear" it sounds like your heart beat, ties to the side of the crib and automatically shuts off. this helped me out a lot and it only costs 17 $. you can also try puttin a heating pad on his bed until right before you lay him down. it will warm up his bed so he isnt going on a cold mattress. does he take a nuk? my daughter really liked nursing herself to sleep so i would remove her from my breast and put her nuk in right as she was coming off. good luck and i hope this helps.

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