
How can I get my 4 year old to stop sucking his thumb?

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At my son's 4 year old check-up, the doctor mentioned that if he continues to suck his thum the dentist will have to give him a mouth guard. We tried the nail polish that gets hot when they suck their thumb and it didn't work. We have now resorted to taping his thumb and index fingers together, but sometimes they come off during the night. We will see him sucking his thum and tell him to not do it again or he has to see the dentist and about 3 minutes later he does it again. I know it's impulsive and he doesn't realize that he's doing it, but I'm concerned about him starting kindergarten and still doing it? Any suggestions?




  1. he's only four the doctor is not going to make him wear a mouth guard thats the dumbest thing i ever heard

  2. Dip the thumb that he sucks on in vinegar.

    1.) It stinks

    2.) Especially white vingear ( I recomend) taste horrible alone!!

    Last night I opened the bottle and sniffed it. I was stupid, like2 inches away I could smell it! Truse me he wont like it!

    I hope this helps. THat nipple thing is ridiculous!

  3. My little sister has had the same problem. The dentist warned her about the mouth guard, but she didn't seem to be affected by it. And the nail polish didn't seem to work either... I've seen people put hot sauce on it.. But what worked for my sister was telling her that she can't spend the night at friends because her friends will call her a baby. It seemed to help for awhile, but my mom doesnt ever say anything to her, so she thinks its okay to do it, i guess being consistent is best.

  4. ah.. cover it with a juice he doesnt like? like apple or sumthin... hot sauce? or scare him out of it

  5. Hot sauce?  I don't know, I have never been in that position yet, hope I don't have to ever, thank god!

  6. My daughter started sucking her 2 fingers as early as 2 months and by 4 yrs I was just as frustrated as you are. We had tried everything (polish, tape) nothing worked. Then one day out of ideas, I tried band aids. It worked like a dream. They didn't come off when wet and she didn't have any desire to put band aids in her mouth. Good luck, I feel your pain.

  7. I don't know if it will work but try gloves or mittens. He will not want to suck on them. But don't scare him with the dentist because he will never want to go when he has to.

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