
How can I get my 40 yd dash down and vertical jump up?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, I recently had knee surgery. Before I had knee surgery, my best clock at the 40 yd dash was a 4.71. now that I have gotten knee surgery, its more like a 4.9-5.0ish. I would like to know whats an EXTREMELY efficient way to decrease a 40 yd dash time so that its better than a 4.71. I would also like to know if there is a good way to highly increase a vertical jump, in any way? Does diet have to do with anything, weight lifting. I mean, I lift a lot, but am I doing the right/specific lifts that target those key running and jumping muscles?




  1. Squats, dead lifts, pretty much any lower body lift is beneficial to running and jumping. The key is to do the lift explosively so that you train your muscles to develop force quickly. I imagine you prbably lost some of your explosiveness during the recovery form surgery. That would explain your slower time. There's a lot of info here

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