
How can I get my 5 1/2 month old daughter to drink out of a sippy cup?

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I been trying to get her used to it but she just bites it.




  1. You can just go straight to an open cup; it's not like there's any need for babies to have sippy cups. You will need to hold it for her while she drinks for the most part for some months to come, but that's a pretty pleasant chore for you/Daddy/Grandma, and it's a real pleasure to watch when baby learns to do it herself.

  2. Give it time. She's not ready for it yet. Just occasionally give it to her to check out but don't expect much. She'll get familiar with it and eventually start using it. My baby didn't really use one until closer to 8 months. Every baby is different.  

  3. Which kind are you using?

    I found the nuby ones with the big handles to be the best.

    Just keep introducing it every so often and eventually she'll probably catch on.  One of my twins did it like 2 months before the other one got the hang of it.

    I've also let my twins drink from an open cup but they make SUCH a mess... and I want them to have free access to water all day and the sippies are certainly more convenient.

    It did amaze me the first time I saw one of my girls pick up an open cup of water at an outdoor picnic and walk around drinking out of it without making too much of a mess (by outside standards).  I couldn't believe she could do that!  She spilled water all over herself but we were outside.

    I wouldn't let her walk around with water inside though.  Not with an open cup.  What a mess that would be!

  4. she may just not be ready. my daughter was 10mos before she would take a soft spouted sippy, and now at 12mos is started to take a hard spouted sippy plus she will now drink from a sports cap bottle.

  5. she is probably still young try those transitional cups that have a special top for going from bottle to cup i used them with my son and it took on pretty quick but he was like 6months or a little older

  6. The doctor suggested I do this for my daughter and I haven't yet figured it out. I guess you could wait a little bit if there isn't a medical reason for doing this. She probably just isn't ready.

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